30-Day Glow Up Challenge: Get Ready To Thrive
Ready to give your life a glow up? This 30-day glow up challenge is here to help you on your path towards being the best version of yourself! Essentially, this is your level-up plan to add some ‘glow’ to your life.
A “glow up” is often how someone is described after a physical transformation but this challenge goes beyond just physical changes. It’s about improving your entire lifestyle.
Plus you can grab the free printable 30-day glow up challenge to keep you on track!
What is A Glow Up?
In its most basic meaning, a glow up is a positive transformation.
Sure, you can totally have a physical appearance glow up, but it can also go much deeper than that social media trend of before and after photos.
A glow up can be a life transformation – getting your ish sorted! It can mean improving your mindset, relationships, career, home and health.
It’s about becoming the best version of yourself and shining from the inside out.
Who Is This 30-Day Glow Up Challenge For?
The short answer? Anyone.
When you’re feeling stuck in life, uninspired, lacking confidence or complacent, this 30-day glow-up challenge is for anyone who wants to shake things up and step into a better version of themselves.
If that sounds like you, then let’s get started!
The 30-Day Glow Up Challenge

Over the next 30 days (because you’re starting today, right?), you will have a simple daily task to complete that relates to one of the key areas. your life – physical and mental health, routines and habits, relationships, career, and self-care.
Each task is designed to help you make small but significant changes in your life that will add up to a big glow up. Especially if you maintain these habits after the 30 days are over!
Make sure you grab the free printable glow up challenge from my exclusive subscriber free printable library and save this article to refer back to.
Day 1: Set Your Goals & Intentions
It’s time to get clear on what you’re setting out to achieve. Goals need plans, and plans need intention. Today is about setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) and infusing them with intention, the secret sauce to manifestation.
Start with a brain dump about all the things you’re striving for in this phase of your life. Then, narrow it down to 1-3 big goals that will have the biggest impact on your life.
From here, you can create an action plan on how to make those goals achievable with smaller daily, weekly and monthly goals that get you closer to that end goal.
Write them down somewhere visible and remind yourself of them every day.
Day 2: Create A Vision Board
Now you’ve got a bit of an idea on your big goals and life plan, so let’s create a visual representation of that ideal life.
A vision board takes all those abstract thoughts and turns them into a concrete visualisation.
Use a pin board and stick photos, magazine images or printed images from online, with affirmations, quotes and words that relate to your personal goals and vision. Or create a digital collage instead. A free program such as Canva is perfect for this.
Put this somewhere visible, like on a wall or above your desk, to keep you motivated daily.
Day 3: Start A Morning Routine
A purposeful morning routine can set the tone for the entire day. Start with a practice that aligns with your goals, be it meditation, affirmations, or enjoying your breakfast in serenity.
What you include in your morning routine will depend on how your typical daily routine looks, what you value, and what helps you feel most grounded and motivated.
Try to stick to this routine for at least 3 days before making any changes, then adapt and revise as needed.
Day 4: Create A Meal Plan
Your glow up starts from within, and what you ingest plays a significant part in this. Your internal glow up starts with nourishing your body with healthy food and drink.
When you meal plan, you are less likely to choose quick, processed meals loaded with preservatives and unhealthy additives.
Nutritionists often suggest ‘eating the rainbow’ to ensure a wide variety of nutrients in your diet. Today, focus on adding a spectrum of fruits and vegetables to your meals.
Start by making a list of your favourite healthy meals and snacks, then schedule them into a weekly meal plan.
This will save you time, money, and effort in the long run since there will be less food waste, better meal choices and healthy snacks on hand to avoid those 3pm vending machine snack purchases.
Day 5: Start A Daily Journal Practice

Journalling is proven to be effective for self-reflection, self-discovery and personal growth. It’s also a fantastic tool in boosting self-confidence and reducing stress.
Set aside a few minutes each day to journal about your thoughts, feelings, experiences, and goals. Use prompts such as “What am I grateful for today?” or “What did I learn today?” to guide your entries.
Experiment with different journaling styles such as bullet journaling, free writing or guided journal prompts.
You will find a huge list of journal prompts below to help get you started if you struggle with free-writing journaling.
Day 6: Start An Exercise Routine
Physical activity releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones that feed into your glow. A brisk walk, a yoga session, or a full-blown workout plan; the key is consistency.
Today, work out what physical activity you enjoy and create a plan of when and how you’re going to move your body.
If exercise hasn’t been a part of your life recently, this will be daunting so start with a simple 10-minute walk and build up to more frequent and longer periods of exercise and movement.
Your overall wellbeing – physical and emotional health, will improve with regular exercise.
Day 7: No Screens 1 Hour Before Bed
The blue light from screens can disrupt your circadian rhythm, tricking your brain into thinking it’s daytime when it’s time to wind down.
Use this hour for activities that prepare you for quality sleep. By having a screen-free period in your night routine, you’re going to sleep better and avoid what can sometimes be a toxic environment on social media.
Day 8: Break One Bad Habit
We all have bad habits that we would like to break – biting our nails, procrastinating, too much sugar, or mindlessly scrolling through social media. Today, pick one bad habit and make a plan to break it.
First, identify the trigger or reason behind this habit. Is it boredom? Stress? Find a healthier alternative or activity to replace this habit when you feel the urge to do it.
Next, set small achievable goals and reward yourself when you reach them. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up, just acknowledge it and get back on track.
Breaking a bad habit takes time and effort, just like starting new healthy habits does, but the end result will bring positive changes in your everyday life.
Incoprorate your planned habit ditch alongside your daily glow up challenge to keep you motivated.
Day 9: Get Your Beauty Sleep
Are you getting enough sleep? With any luck, since switching off your device an hour before bed and setting up your nightly routine, you’ve adjusted your sleep patterns to match. If not, time to get started on a better sleeping routine.
More sleep means more energy. Your physical glow up requires you to be well rested.
Most of us aren’t getting our recommended 8 hours of sleep a night, so make an effort to prioritize your sleep. If you’ve got a fitness tracker or smartwatch, it might be worth checking out how much you have been getting so you can make adjustments if needed.
Day 10: Limit Caffeine
Caffeine is a classic double-edged sword. It can sharpen concentration and rev the engines but too much caffeine can also disrupt sleep and increase anxiety.
While cutting out caffeine entirely is a great goal to aim for, it may not be realistic for everyone. Instead, try to limit caffeine intake and avoid consuming any after the mid-afternoon.
Additionally, find alternative ways to boost your energy levels such as taking a brisk walk or drinking herbal tea.
If you love drinking coffee, start by switching at least one cup a day to green tea or similar so you can enjoy the health benefits without overdoing it on caffeine.
Day 11: Read Daily
Reading stimulates the brain, enhances creativity, and is an excellent stress reliever. Aim for just 10 minutes a day for the rest of the challenge (and hopefully beyond).
If you are already an avid reader, challenge yourself by reading something you wouldn’t normally, like swapping out your fantasy romance for a motivational non-fiction read.
Day 12: Start A Bedtime Routine
Just as a morning routine is vital, a nightly wind-down routine is key to signalling your body that it’s time to rest.
You’ve already started your night routine earlier in this challenge by ditching screens for an hour night and doing some reading before bed.
Adding some self-care into your nighttime ritual is another good way to wind down. Have a skin care routine that will make your skin glow, do your daily journal reflection and perhaps try a short meditation before bed.
Day 13: Declutter A Space In Your Home
Physical spaces can also have an impact on our mental health. Take some time today to declutter a space in your home that has been causing you stress or anxiety.
Start small, maybe just a dresser surface in your bedroom or the end of your kitchen counter where clutter has been building up.
If you’re feeling motivated, tackle a larger area like a closet or room. Throw away the things you don’t need and make a plan to donate everything else quickly so it doesn’t remain taking up space in your house.
Day 14: Do A Digital Declutter
Our digital lives are just as prone to clutter as our physical ones. And seeing a notification for 3000 unread emails does no one’s mental well being any good!
Take some time today to declutter your digital life. Unsubscribe from email lists you don’t read, delete old emails and organise the ones that are important.
Clean up your social media feeds by unfollowing accounts that cause negative emotions or no longer inspire you. And go through your files and folders on your computer, deleting duplicates and organizing them for easy access.
Day 15: Reduce Your Sugar Intake
Sugar can lead to energy highs and lows, not to mention its impacts on health. A poor diet can cause skin issues, weight gains and general lethargy.
Begin a slow reduction or refined sugar and junk food, and find healthier substitutes that still satisfy your sweet tooth.
One of the best physical health changes I made was to quit 95% of sugar I was previously consuming. I still have a sweet tooth but I try to choose naturally sweet foods instead.
Reducing your sugar intake can also have a positive effect on your mental health, as excessive sugar consumption has been linked to anxiety and depression.
Day 16: Do Your Budget
Financial wellness is a crucial component in your overall glow up. Knowledge is power, and with your budget laid out, you’ll find a sense of control over your finances that’s deeply empowering.
Take time today to work out a simple household budget. Identify areas where you can cut back on unnecessary expenses and set aside savings for future goals.
It’s important to regularly review your budget and make adjustments as needed, especially when unexpected expenses arise. By keeping track of your finances, you will be able to make smarter financial decisions and feel more confident in your overall financial health.
Day 17: Get Your Hair Done
While external appearances aren’t the focus of this glow up challenge, a new hairstyle or a pampering session can boost your confidence in immeasurable ways. Feeling good on the outside often correlates with feeling good on the inside.
Day 18: Listen To A Motivational Podcast
Listening to the stories and wisdom of others can light a fire within you. Choose a podcast that aligns with your personal growth goals and get new ideas and inspiration while you listen.
Day 19: Use Sunscreen Every day
Your skin health means protecting it from the harsh UV rays daily. It prevents aging and fine lines and reduces the risk of skin cancer. As an Australian from one of the sunniest states in the country, this is absolutely a non-negotiable here!
Choose a daily moisturiser with at least SPF 30 for your face and use sunscreen on other areas of your body that are exposed to the sun if you’re planning to spend time outdoors.
Even just driving to and from work with sun streaming through the car windows is enough to justify sun protection.
Day 20: Have A Life Admin Day
We all have those tasks that we procrastinate on for far too long. Whether it’s updating your CV, booking a doctor’s appointment or organising your taxes, today is the day to tackle those tasks and get them off your to-do list.
Setting aside a dedicated day for these “life admin” tasks can help alleviate stress and free up more time in the future. Plus, checking these items off your list will give you a sense of accomplishment and a feeling that you can conquer anything.
Consider having a monthly life admin day for tasks like this. Add them straight to your planner for your admin day as soon as you know about them so you have a to-do list to tackle when the next admin day rolls around.
Day 21: Spend Time Outdoors
Spending time in nature is good for physical health and for mental and emotional well-being too. Take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the outdoors and allow yourself to relax and recharge. Spending time outside has been shown to reduce stress levels
This could be as simple as going for a walk in your local park or taking a hike through a nearby trail. You can also plan a fun outdoor activity such as having a picnic, going on a bike ride, or playing your favorite sport. You get some exercise and fresh air and you’ll also have the opportunity to disconnect from technology and connect with nature.
Don’t forget that sunscreen we mentioned on day 19!
Day 22: Create An Uplifting Playlist
Music has the power to uplift our mood and elicit a strong emotional response. If you listen to music that puts you in a good mood, it’s one of the easiest ways to get a quick mood boost! Imagine having a whole playlist of these types of songs!
That’s today’s task. Create your own motivational playlist of favourite songs that brighten your mood. You might as well dance your butt off while you’re at it!
Day 23: Drink More Water
Hydration is fundamental to health, yet many of us fall short when it comes to drinking water. Today, pledge to increase your water intake.
Did you know the average adult needs to drink 2.7-3.7 litres of water per day? That may seem like a lot, but it’s crucial for our bodies to function properly. Keep a reusable water bottle with you throughout the day as a reminder to drink up!
If you’re struggling with water intake, get one of those drink bottles with the markers so you can make sure you’re keeping up with your daily water goal.
To make things more interesting, add some lemon or cucumber slices to your water for added flavour and health benefits.
Day 24: Learn A Relaxation Technique
Managing stress is pivotal in the glow-up process.
Today, learn a relaxation technique such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided meditation.
If you’ve never done a relaxation technique before, it might feel a little woo-woo but there’s a good reason why it’s one of the first things that usually comes up when someone mentions self-care. These strategies are effective!
Day 25: Spend Time With Loved Ones

Connection is a crucial human need. Whether it’s in person, over a call, or a video chat, spend meaningful time with your loved ones and fill that social need.
Day 26: Treat Yourself
You’ve been diligent with your daily practices, so reward yourself, regardless of how small the treat may be. It could be your favourite dessert, a mini shopping spree, or a bubble bath — express your self-love through these treats today because glow ups are more fun with a bit of self-love.
Day 27: Write A Gratitude List
Having an attitude of gratitude is one of the best ways to live a happier life. Spend time today thinking of the things you are grateful for right now. Big things, little things, silly things.
Create a list of things to be grateful for and keep adding to it in future so when you need a reminder of the good things, you can refer to your list and cultivate a grateful heart!
Day 28: Try Something New
Novelty fires different neurons in the brain, keeping your cognitive and brain health in check. Whether it’s trying a new recipe, a new hobby, or a new route home, shake up your routine today.
Better still, do something that really pushes you outside of your comfort zone and requires you to learn whole new skills!
Day 29: Have A Digital Detox
Our devices can be a major source of stress and distraction. Take a break from scrolling through social media, responding to work emails, and constantly being connected. Instead, spend the day engaging in activities that don’t require screens.
Go for a walk in nature, read a book, or have a face-to-face conversation with someone. Disconnecting from technology can help improve your mental well-being and reduce stress. Plus, it gives your eyes a much-needed break from staring at screens all day.
Of course, if you’re working today and your job is at a computer, at the very least, make it a tech-free evening and spend it with your partner or family instead.
Day 30: Enjoy A Self-Care Pamper Day
Congratulations! You’ve come full circle. Today is a celebration of your 30-day commitment. Indulge in a day of self-care. Treat yourself to all your favourite self-care rituals. Enjoy face masks, hair masks, pedicures, manicures and bubble baths or just binge-watch TV while you apply body lotion.
Whatever you do, make it a celebration of you and your glow-up— you’ve earned it.
Free Printable 30-Day Glow Up Challenge Tracker
To make tracking your progress easier, I have created a free printable 30-Day Glow Up Challenge tracker. Each day has a designated space for you to check off once you’ve completed the challenge.
Grab it from my free printables library here.

The Glow Up Isn’t Just For 30 Days
You’ve made some pretty epic changes to your life and habits over the last 30 days! Don’t stop there. What is the point of a 30-day glow up only to slip back into old habits. Keep these habits and routines as part of living a more intentional life!
Challenge yourself to continue on this path and see how much more you can accomplish in the next 30 days, 90 days, or even a year.
More resources to help with your glow-up: