The 30-Day Self-Love Challenge: Love Yourself More
Welcome to the 30-day self-love challenge! If you’re here reading this right now, it means you’re ready to kickstart your self-love journey! Yay!
There is only one relationship in our life that has the potential to make us truly happy and that’s the relationship we have with ourselves. If that is lacking, it flows into the rest of our life and no one wants that!
This 30-day self-love challenge will help you take small steps each day to celebrate yourself, boost your confidence and build your self-esteem. Plus I have a free printable self-love challenge calendar for you too!
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Why Self-Love Matters
In a world that moves at breakneck speed, the concept of self-love can often feel like a luxury, when in fact, it’s a necessity. Women, in particular, juggle a multitude of roles, often sacrificing their own happiness for their family, social, and professional obligations.
The challenge is more than a self-love challenge. It’s a pledge to dedicate thirty days to yourself in a way that will help your future self thrive!
While there is some overlap with self-care and self-love, this challenge goes beyond bubble baths and pampering. Your self-love practice is about nourishing your very soul, from inside and out, giving your self-confidence a boost along the way!
This challenge is not about radical transformation but about the gradual change that comes from daily, deliberate acts of self-kindness.
The 30-Day Self-Love Challenge

Make sure you grab the free 30-day self-love challenge printable to follow along each day and save this article so you can come back and read about each daily task in more detail.
Day 1: Find 3 Positive Affirmations For The Month
To cultivate self-love, we must begin with the foundation of positive self-talk. It is an effective way to rewire your internal dialogue from disapproving and critical to nurturing and compassionate. They can also help build your self-esteem.
Today, find three self-love affirmations that resonate with you and make a commitment to yourself to incorporate them into your daily routine for the next 30 days.
Write them down daily. Say them out loud every morning. Display them where you will see them.
“I am worthy of unconditional love.”
Here are some positive affirmations to get you started:
Day 2: Practice Mindfulness For 15 Minutes
Set aside fifteen minutes for a mindfulness break. If you’ve never really practised mindfulness before, don’t worry – it doesn’t need to be a heap of woo-woo stuff if that’s not your thing!
For the most simple mindfulness exercise, find a quiet spot, close your eyes and focus on your breath and the sounds and scents around you. Whenever you find yourself getting distracted by thoughts, gently bring your attention back to your breath.
This practice will help you become more aware of the present moment.
If you would rather be doing something physical, take a mindful walk, keeping your focus on what you are seeing and feeling around you, instead of letting your mind wander. A barefoot walk on the grass or beach are wonderful for this, feeling the fresh air on your skin!
Day 3: Write A Gratitude List
Gratitude is a powerful force that can have an incredible impact on our view of the world, turning a bad day into a much better one with a little perspective shift.
Having a gratitude list that you can be continually adding to is a great way to give yourself a mood boost. When you’re having a low day, refer back to your list of things to be grateful for to remind you of some of the absolute magic that exists in your life.
It can be something small like the feeling of warm sunshine on your face or the first sip of your morning coffee, as well as the big things, like the support of a loved one or conquering a fear.
Day 4: Treat Yourself To A Spa Night
Pamper yourself with a DIY spa night at home. Light some candles, put on soothing music and indulge in a warm bath with your favourite scented oils or bath bombs. Not a fan of bubble baths? Take an extra long shower instead.
Take the time to exfoliate your skin, apply a face mask and apply lotion. Give yourself a manicure and pedicure.
Don’t forget to nourish your body from the inside out by drinking plenty of water and snacking on some healthy treats while you pamper yourself.
Self-care is an important aspect of mind and body wellness so this is a key element of self-love, even if we don’t always have time to pamper ourselves to this extent!
TIP: Make it social and host your own self-care party!
Day 5: Express Yourself Creatively
Creativity is an exploration that directly resonates with self-love. Engage in a creative pursuit that you love, whether it’s something you enjoy as a regular hobby or something new you are dabbling with.
The act is not to create a masterpiece but to enjoy the process of doing something for yourself that allows those creative juices to flow.
Try painting, drawing, writing, dancing or even cooking – any activity that allows you to express yourself and tap into your inner creativity.
Day 6: Connect With Nature
Spending time in nature has been proven to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Take a break from your daily routine and spend some time outside, whether it’s going for a hike in the mountains, simply sitting in a nearby park or digging your toes into the sand at the beach.
Take deep breaths and take in your surroundings, appreciating the beauty of nature.
This can also be a great opportunity to disconnect from technology and be present in the moment too. A little grounding moment that allows you to practice mindfulness and simply enjoy the beautiful world around you.
Day 7: Get Moving
Regular exercise is not only important for physical health but also plays a significant role in your mental health. Choose an activity that you enjoy and spend some time today doing that physical activity.
This could be anything from going for a jog, joining a fitness class or simply taking a walk around your neighbourhood. It can even be something a little more spicy if you’ve got a willing partner to join the fun.
If you love to dance, make yourself an uplifting playlist and have yourself a daily dance party!
Physical movement should be part of our daily lives, even if it’s as little as 5 minutes of intentional movement every day to keep our bodies strong and healthy.
Not only will it make you feel good physically, but exercise also releases endorphins which are known to boost mood and increase energy levels. So get moving and reap the benefits!
Day 8: Write A Letter To Your Future Self
Taking a moment to reflect on your past and present can be incredibly eye-opening.
But have you ever taken the time to imagine your future life? What would you like to achieve in the next year, 5 years or even 10 years?
Writing a letter to your future self is a great way to set goals and visualise where you want to be in the future.
It’s also a great way to reflect on your progress and see how far you’ve come when you open the letter in the future.
So take some time today to sit down and write a letter to yourself, including your hopes and goals as well as a detailed description of the person you want to be in 5 years. Then seal it up and save it for another day in the future.
If you’re likely to forget all about it, add a reminder to your Google Calendar for 5 years, or use an online alternative such as FutureMe so that you will get an email on this day in 5 years time (or sooner if you prefer).
Day 9: Buy Yourself Flowers
When was the last time you treated yourself? Flowers are typically something we wait to be gifted but why wait? Give yourself the gift of flowers and brighten up your day.
Not only are they visually appealing, but studies have shown that having fresh flowers in your home can boost mood and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.
So don’t wait for a special occasion to treat yourself! You deserve it.
Day 10: Call A Friend Who Makes You Feel Good
In our busy lives, it’s easy to lose touch with friends. But friendships are an important part of our mental and emotional wellbeing. It’s important to nurture and maintain positive relationships in our lives.
Take some time today to call a friend who you know will make you feel good. It could be someone you haven’t spoken to in a while or even someone who you talk to regularly. The important thing is that this person always brings positivity into your life.
Use this call as a chance to catch up, share some laughs and remind yourself of the value of friendship. And who knows, you might even make plans for a future catch-up!
Day 11: Do A Self-Reflection Journal Session
Daily journaling is a fantastic way to add a little self-love into your morning routine every single day, but if that’s not a habit you already have (or even if it is), these self-discovery journal questions are a great way to dig a little deeper.
Day 12: Write Down 5 Things You Love About Yourself
Self-awareness is the first step towards self-love.
In a quiet moment of reflection, armed with a pen and a blank page, document five attributes that make you uniquely you. They can be your resilience, your infectious laughter, or your unwavering loyalty.
The action itself is a testimony to your own value, and a constant reminder of these admirable traits.
Day 13: Unplug From Social Media For The Day
In today’s digital age, we are constantly bombarded with information and images on social media. While it can be a great tool for connecting with others, it can also have negative effects on our mental health if we spend too much time on it.
In fact, it can be downright toxic!
Take a break from social media for the entire day (yes, the whole 24 hours), and use that extra time to focus on yourself. Read a book, take a walk, or do something that you genuinely enjoy doing.
If you know a social media detox will be a struggle for you, put steps in place to help you successfully disconnect. Let your close friends and family know and consider planning something out of the ordinary for your day to keep you occupied on the real world.
Day 14: Declutter A Space In Your Home
The outer environment can influence our inner state of being. Take some time today to declutter a messy space in your home that has been bothering you. It can be a closet, a desk, or even just your bedside table.
This doesn’t need to be a huge decluttering project. Just the simple act of being intentional with a space in your home can be quite empowering and you might even get the motivation to do more than this one space.
After all, you deserve a home that feels calm and positive!
Check out these 100 things to throw away if you are struggling to choose an area to focus on.
Day 15: Write Down 5 Achievements You Are Proud Of
Self-love is a great companion of self-respect. We must take time to appreciate and celebrate our accomplishments, no matter how big or small they may seem.
Take some time today to reflect on your life and write down 5 achievements that you are proud of in your life, whether they be huge personal goals you’ve accomplished or smaller challenges you’ve overcome.
This self-love activity is a great way to remind yourself how awesome you are!
Day 16: Spend Quality Time With A Loved One
Our loved ones play a crucial role in our lives and it’s important to make time for them. Today, spend some quality time with someone who means a lot to you – whether it be your partner, a family member, or a close friend.
Do an activity that you both enjoy or simply enjoy time together, letting the conversation flow.
Day 17: Spend The Day Without Criticising Yourself
Many of us tend to be overly critical towards ourselves, constantly scrutinising our actions and appearances. But would we speak that way to a friend? Unlikely!
Today, challenge yourself to go the whole day without criticising yourself.
Whenever you catch yourself having negative thoughts about yourself, replace them with positive self-talk instead. Celebrate your strengths and embrace your imperfections – they make you unique!
Day 18: Compliment Yourself In The Mirror
Take a few minutes today to stand in front of a mirror and give yourself genuine compliments.
Compliment both your physical appearance and your traits. Yes, this feels awkward and silly but doing this regularly is a fantastic way to improve your positive self-talk!
I have beautiful eyes. I am a great listener. I have strong legs. I am a dedicated mum!
Day 19: Forgive Yourself For One Past Thing
Think about a moment in your life, recently or from a long time ago, that still leaves you feeling regretful and icky!
Today you are going to forgive yourself for that moment.
To be human means to make mistakes sometimes. We are all learning and what is done is done. It’s time to move on from this and release it from your mind. Forgive yourself!
Day 20: Have A Good Laugh
Can you remember your last big belly laugh? That’s today’s goal. Laughter has been proven to reduce stress, boost our immune system and improve our overall well-being.
Watch a comedy, catch up with friends who always make you laugh or watch a silly cat video on TikTok if that’s what it takes to get you giggling like a kid. I love a good cat video…
Day 21: Learn Something New
Learning something new can be incredibly rewarding and stimulating for the brain. It can also be a confidence boost to know we are capable of new things.
Even if you don’t master this new thing today, you’ve taken steps towards a brand-new skill. That’s pretty darn awesome.
It could be a new skill, language or a new style of cooking you’ve never tried before. The options are endless.
Day 22: Write Down 5 Things You Are Looking Forward To
Each morning I start my day with the same question, ‘What are you excited about today?‘. This pops up as a phone reminder which means I start every day with gratitude.
But let’s go a little further than just today. What are you looking forward to in your future?
List down 5 exciting things you’ve got coming up, near or far, and let the excitement build. It could be a holiday, a concert or even something as simple as seeing your best friend next week.
Day 23: Read Something Uplifting
While self-help books and biographies aren’t for everyone, there is something out there that is sure to appeal to you in your current life moment.
Pick up a new book, borrow from the library or download an audiobook that aims to fire you up in some way.
Today’s challenge will likely take you a few days (or weeks to get through) but make sure you dedicate at least 15 minutes today to starting something new.
A few of my personal favourites include the following:
- Atomic Habits by James Clear
- The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin
- Do It Scared by Ruth Soukup
- Hello Fears: Crush Your Comfort Zone and Become Who You’re Meant To Be by Michelle Poler
- The Resilience Project by Hugh van Cuylenburg
- Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention And How To Think Deeply Again by Johann Hari
- Rushing Women’s Syndrome: The Impact Of a Never-Ending To-Do List and How To Stay Healthy In Today’s Busy World by Dr Libby Weaver.
TIP: I prefer to listen to audiobooks when it comes to non-fiction as they can sometimes be a little harder to get into but are great for digging in on a walk, drive or while doing the housework!
Don’t like reading? Find an inspiring video to watch instead!
Day 24: Treat Yourself
We all deserve some indulgence now and then. Today, give yourself permission to treat yourself.
It could be a massage, buying that outfit you’ve had your eye on or simply taking an evening off to relax instead of doing chores.
Day 25: Create a Vision Board
Sometimes it’s hard to visualise our goals and dreams. That’s where a vision board can come in handy.
Using images, quotes and words that represent what you want to achieve or have in your life, create a visual representation of your aspirations.
Hang it up somewhere you will see it every day as a reminder of what you’re working towards. Or create a digital collage to save as your computer background or screensaver.
Day 26: Write Out Your Goals
When was the last time you did a deep reflection on your goals and intentions? Today, take some time to sit down and write them out.
Be specific and detailed – what do you want to achieve? How will you get there?
Writing out your goals can help you stay focused and motivated on your journey towards success. Plus, it’s always satisfying to tick them off as you accomplish them!
This is a great habit to get into every month and you can get loads of ideas for monthly goal-setting here.
Day 27: Enjoy Your Favourite Meal
Food has a special way of bringing us joy and comfort. Today, take some time to cook or order your favourite meal.
Sit down and savour each bite, appreciating the flavours and textures. You deserve to treat yourself with your favourite dish every once in a while, even if it isn’t the healthiest option on the menu.
Day 28: Dress In An Outfit That Makes You Feel Confident
We all have those go-to outfits that make us feel unstoppable. Today, put on one of those outfits – even if you don’t have anywhere special to go.
Notice how your posture changes and the boost in confidence you feel when wearing something that makes you look and feel great.
Day 29: Go To Bed Early
In our busy lives, we often sacrifice sleep to get more things done. However, a lack of adequate rest can lead to burnout and decreased productivity.
Tonight, make a conscious effort to go to bed early and get a good night’s sleep. Your body and mind will thank you tomorrow.
Day 30: Set Boundaries
Congratulations! You’re on the final day of this 30-day self-love challenge.
Today is all about protecting your time and your wellbeing so that you can make a positive change that lasts well beyond these 30 days (and hopefully a few other habits that you continue beyond the challenge too).
Take some time to think about any relationships or situations where you feel drained or taken advantage of. Set boundaries for yourself and communicate them clearly to others.
It’s never selfish to put your own needs first – it’s the ultimate act of self-love.
Today’s challenge might mean declining an obligation you didn’t have time for or setting boundaries with yourself on how much time you spend on social media.
Bonus Day
Some months have more than 30 days and if you don’t want to give up the momentum you’ve built this past 30 days, here’s a bonus challenge task for you.
Take some time today to reflect on all the positive changes you’ve made during this 30-day self-love challenge. Celebrate your accomplishments and make a plan for how you will continue to practice self-love moving forward.
Remember, self-love is an ongoing journey – not just a one-time task. Keep showing yourself love and kindness every day.
Free Printable 30-Day Self-Love Challenge PDF
You can get the free 30-day self-love challenge printable sent directly to your inbox! You will also get access to my free printable library where you will find more challenges like this!
The Afterglow: Sustaining Self-Love Beyond the Challenge
This ’30-Day Self-Love Challenge’ is not the end of your self-love journey! It might only be the beginning. It’s important to keep the momentum going to truly reap the benefits of self-love.
Here are some tips for sustaining self-love beyond the challenge:
- Keep practising gratitude: Continue to focus on the positive aspects of your life and find things to be grateful for every day.
- Set realistic goals: Take some time to reflect on what you want to achieve in terms of self-love and set achievable goals for yourself. This will keep you motivated and on track.
- Practice self-care regularly: Don’t let your self-care routine fall by the wayside once the challenge is over. Make time for yourself every day, even if it’s just a few minutes.
- Surround yourself with positivity: Surrounding yourself with positive people and environments can greatly impact your self-love journey. Distance yourself from negativity and seek out uplifting influences.
- Be kind to yourself: Self-love also means being kind to yourself when you make mistakes or face challenges. Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion you would show a loved one – be your own BFF!
As daunting as it may seem to dedicate thirty days to yourself, self-love should be a part of your lifestyle, rather than a one-time challenge. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can continue to cultivate self-love and reap its many benefits long after the initial challenge has ended. So keep going and never forget how deserving you are of love, especially from yourself.