60 Body Positive Affirmations To Boost Your Confidence

Are you looking for body positive affirmations to help you love the skin you’re in?
The concept of body image is a sensitive and individual matter. While society has always imposed certain beauty and body standards, the emergence of social media in the last decade has amplified the messaging.
It can be challenging to break free from years of conditioning and fully embrace our bodies, particularly if they don’t align with the traditional ideal.
Let’s be honest – we all have those days when we just don’t feel confident about our bodies.
Maybe you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and don’t like what you see.
Maybe you compare yourself to someone else and feel like you don’t measure up.
Maybe you’ve been told that you need to lose weight or change your appearance to suit somebody else’s version of beauty.
The pressure to conform to a certain standard of beauty can be overwhelming and it’s easy to feel like we’ll never measure up.
But here’s the truth: YOU are beautiful just the way you are. Your body is unique and worthy of love and respect, regardless of its shape or size. And the more you can embrace that truth and cultivate a positive body image, the happier and more confident you’ll feel in all areas of your life.
That’s where these positive body affirmations can be a wonderful tool to support body confidence and acceptance.
What Are Affirmations?
Affirmations are positive statements that have the power to change your mindset, shift your attitude and improve your self-esteem.
Positive affirmations aren’t meant to gloss over the hard truths of life, but rather to gently reframe them in a way that encourages self-love and acceptance.
These body-positive affirmations are specifically designed to help you nurture a healthy relationship with your body, no matter its shape or size.
How To Use Positive Affirmations
For the biggest impact, it’s important to make affirmations a regular part of your life.
There are many ways you can incorporate body affirmations and other positive affirmations into your everyday life.
Here are some ideas for using body love affirmations:
- Display them: Print out your favourite affirmations and put them up around the house in places you will see them, such as on your bathroom mirror or near the kettle.
- Write them down: Write down a daily positive body affirmation as part of a daily intentional journal habit or in your planner. Choose the one you most need to hear at that moment.
- Repeat them: Memorize your favourite positive affirmations and repeat them throughout the day, especially during moments of self-doubt and insecurity.
- Say them out loud: Look in the mirror and say your chosen affirmations out loud to your reflection. This might feel really awkward at first but it gets easier when you do it daily.
Body Positive Affirmations To Boost Your Confidence & Self-Love
Body positivity is not about promoting unhealthy habits or ignoring the importance of taking care of our bodies, but rather about accepting and loving ourselves as we are.
These healthy body image affirmations are specifically designed to help you nurture a healthy relationship with your body, no matter its shape or size.

Here are 60 body image affirmations to help you on your journey towards self-love and acceptance:
- My body is worthy of love and respect.
- I am grateful for all that my body does for me.
- I choose to focus on the things I love about my body.
- I am confident in my own skin.
- My body is strong and capable.
- I am beautiful, inside and out.
- I deserve to feel good about my body.
- I love and appreciate my body.
- I am deserving of love and acceptance.
- I trust my body and its signals.
- I am proud of my body and all that it has accomplished.
- I am comfortable and confident in my body.
- I am at peace with my body.
- My body is worthy of love.
- My body is a work of art.
- I am grateful for the unique qualities of my body.
- I am beautiful.
- I unconditionally accept and love myself the way that I am.
- I choose to love and accept my body.
- My body is a temple and deserves to be treated with love and respect.
- I thank the food I eat for nourishing me.
- I will listen to my body and its needs.
- I choose to focus on the positive aspects of my body.
- My body is deserving of care and attention.
- I am grateful for the ways in which my body supports me.
- I accept and love my body, unconditionally.
- I trust my body’s innate wisdom.
- I am grateful for my body’s unique qualities.
- I am worthy of love and respect, regardless of my body size or shape.
- I am beautiful, just as I am.
- My body deserves kindness and compassion.
- My self-worth is not tied to how I look.
- I choose to see the beauty in my body.
- My body is worthy of love and admiration.
- My body is perfect for me.
- I am comfortable and confident in my own skin.
- I am proud of my body and its resilience.
- The opinions of others do not influence my view of myself
- I choose to treat my body with love and respect.
- I am grateful for the journey my body has taken me on.
- My body has allowed me to experience a wonderful life.
- I accept and embrace my body, exactly as it is.
- How I feel is more important than how I look.
- My beauty is both inside and outside.
- A healthy body is important to me.
- My body is a blessing.
- I feel best when I take care of my mind and body.
- Other people’s beauty standards are not my business.
- I will listen to the needs of my body.
- I am capable and strong, no matter what size or shape I am.
- My body can do amazing things.
- I choose to be kind to myself, no matter how I look.
- I accept and appreciate all of the natural changes that my body goes through.
- My beauty comes from within me.
- I have permission to love my body fully, just as it is now.
- I will make time to care for my body daily.
- Self-care is not a privilege, it’s a priority.
- Exercise is a way of cherishing my body.
- What is beneath my skin is what matters most.
- I live my life wholeheartedly.
More Ways To Practice Self-Love
Learning to love and accept your whole self is more than just positive affirmations. These affirmations work best when you combine them with other self-care practices.
Practice setting healthy boundaries, regular self-care, such as these self-care Saturday activities, and addressing any underlying issues that may be contributing to a negative body image.
Care for your body with regular physical activity, getting enough sleep and drinking enough water each day.
All of these contribute to a healthy mindset and a happier you!
By choosing the affirmations that most resonate with you, they can help support the place you are in at this moment. They can be wonderful tools to encourage body confidence and enable you to create a more positive relationship with your body and cultivate self-love and acceptance.
Which affirmation did you most need to hear today?
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