30-Day Self-Confidence Challenge
Self-confidence is like a muscle—the more you work on it, the stronger it gets. Yet, building self-confidence can sometimes feel like climbing a mountain without a map. But don’t worry, I’ve got a 30-day self-confidence challenge that’s designed to help you scale those heights with ease and fun.
30-Day Self-Confidence Challenge
This challenge is all about small, daily actions that can make a big difference in how you see yourself. So grab your journal, put on your favourite feel-good playlist, and let’s embark on this journey to a more confident you!
Best of all, I’ve got a free printable 30-day self-confidence challenge calendar for you to keep track of your daily tasks! Grab it in my free printable library.
Day 1: Write Down Your Strengths
Let’s start by acknowledging your awesomeness. Write down your strengths. Think about what you’re good at—be it listening, cooking, organising, or anything else that comes to mind. Focusing on your strengths helps you see yourself in a positive light and sets the tone for this challenge.
Day 2: Set a Small, Achievable Goal for Today
Setting and achieving goals can be a massive confidence booster. Set a small, achievable goal for today. It could be something simple like finishing a book chapter, going for a walk, or organising your desk. Achieving this goal will give you a sense of accomplishment and remind you that you are capable when you set your mind to something.
Day 3: Compliment Yourself Out Loud
We often forget to appreciate ourselves. Look in the mirror and give yourself a compliment out loud. Yes, out loud! It might feel weird at first, but hearing positive affirmations from yourself can be incredibly empowering. Say things like, “I am smart,” “I am capable,” or “I look great today.”
“I am kind and compassionate.“
Day 4: Try Something New That Interests You
Step out of your comfort zone and try something new. It could be a new recipe, a dance class, or even learning a few phrases in a new language. Trying new things can expand your horizons and boost your confidence by showing you that you’re capable of more than you think.
Just think back to a time when you learnt a new skill. It’s a great way to feel chuffed with yourself!
Day 5: Reflect on a Past Success
Take a trip down memory lane and reflect on a past success. You might even like to journal about it. What did you achieve? How did it make you feel? Reliving these moments can remind you of your capabilities and reinforce your self-worth.
Day 6: Dress in Your Favorite Outfit
Clothes have a surprising impact on our mood and confidence. Dress in your favourite outfit today, the one that makes you feel like a million bucks. When you look good, you feel good, and that confidence can carry you through the day.
Day 7: Speak Up in a Meeting or Group Setting
Whether at work, school, or a social gathering, make an effort to speak up in a group setting. Sharing your thoughts and ideas can be nerve-wracking, but it’s a great way to build confidence.
Your voice matters and it’s okay to have different opinions or ideas than others – that’s how positive change begins!
Day 8: Write About a Time You Overcame a Challenge
Life is full of challenges, and overcoming them is no small feat. Write about a time you faced a challenge and came out stronger. This can be in your personal life, your career, as a caregiver or as a friend. Draw on an experience that has stuck with you.
Reflecting on these experiences can remind you of your resilience and boost your confidence in handling future obstacles.
Day 9: Take a Step Outside Your Comfort Zone
Do something today that pushes you outside your comfort zone. It doesn’t have to be extreme—maybe it’s trying a new workout, starting a conversation with a stranger, or volunteering for a task at work.
These little steps can significantly boost your self-esteem and they make life feel more intentional. Instead of drifting through the daily routine, you’re disrupting your day with something new and exciting, even if it that new thing is also nervewracking.
Day 10: Practice Positive Self-Talk
The way we talk to ourselves matters. Make a conscious effort to practice positive self-talk today. Swap out negative thoughts for encouraging ones. Instead of saying, “I can’t do this,” try saying, “I’m capable of figuring this out.”
Day 11: Reflect on Your Unique Talents
Think about the unique talents and skills that make you who you are. Write them down and reflect on how they contribute to your life.
Nothing is off the table for this task – write down the skills that help you with your career, your special qualities that make you an awesome friend/daughter/sister and even those hilarious useless talents you have that make others laugh. Yes, being able to do the splits totally belongs on this list if that’s something you can do. Go you!
Acknowledging your unique qualities can help you appreciate your individuality and boost your confidence.
Day 12: Celebrate a Recent Achievement
Take a moment to celebrate a recent achievement, no matter how small. Maybe you completed a project at work, tried a new recipe successfully, or stuck to a workout routine even though you wanted to quit every single time.
Celebrating your wins reinforces your ability to set and achieve goals. And you should be celebrating all your personal achievements.
Day 13: Stand Tall and Practice Good Posture
Did you know that good posture can boost your confidence? Stand tall, pull your shoulders back, and lift your chin. Practising good posture makes you feel more confident, plus it sends a message to others that you’re self-assured.
They say fake it til you make it. Great posture is one of those things that you can do that will eventually become a habit.
Day 14: Do Something That Makes You Laugh
Laughter is a fantastic way to boost your mood and confidence. Watch a funny movie, read a humorous book, or spend time with someone who makes you laugh. Laughter releases endorphins, which can make you feel happier and happiness looks great on you!
Day 15: Help Someone in Need
Acts of kindness can increase your self-esteem. Help someone in need today—it could be a friend, family member, or even a stranger. Knowing that you’ve made a positive impact on someone’s life can make you feel more confident and fulfilled.
Here are some simple ways you can help someone else:
- Volunteer at a charity
- Giveaway items you no longer need to someone else who does
- Help a friend organise their closet
- Pay for a stranger’s coffee
Day 16: Write Down Things You Admire About Yourself
Take some time to write down things you admire about yourself. Focus on your positive traits, abilities, and achievements. This exercise can help you see yourself in a more positive light and remind you of all those little things that do make you so uniquely you.
Day 17: Make a Decision Without Second-Guessing
Indecision can erode our confidence. Today, make a decision without second-guessing yourself. Trust your instincts and go with your gut. It could be choosing what restaurant to dine at with friends for an upcoming catch-up or making a bigger life choice, like locking in the dates for a vacation – acting decisively can boost your confidence.
Day 18: Set Your Boundaries
So often we are doing things at the request or expectation of others, sometimes without this aligning with our own personal goals or core values.
Today’s task is time for you to consider at least one thing that you are doing for others, that doesn’t have any benefit for you. This could be something you agreed to that you don’t have time for, or stepping away from a toxic person who is bringing your energy down.
Setting boundaries means putting yourself first and protecting your time and wellbeing. It can be a huge weight lifted off your shoulders and a great boost to your confidence to know you have put yourself ahead of someone else’s expectations. Make this decision guilt-free!
Day 19: Reflect on a Compliment You Received
Think about a compliment you received recently. How did it make you feel? Write it down and reflect on why it resonated with you. Accepting compliments graciously can help you internalise positive feedback and boost your self-esteem. This can help you get into the habit of accepting compliments with a thank you rather than dismissing them.
Day 20: Smile At Everyone You See
Have you ever noticed that when you’re around someone who is always happy, friendly and cheerful, their mood can rub off on those around them? When someone makes the effort to smile, say hello or start small talk, it can be a lovely reminder to be in the present moment.
Be that person today with everyone you see. Even the annoying co-worker you try to avoid. And don’t just stop after today… this is a great habit to give yourself a daily mood boost every day!
I love the quote ‘Sometimes happiness is a feeling. Sometimes it is a choice”. It rings true for today’s self-confidence challenge task!
Day 21: Do a Hobby or Skill You Enjoy
Engaging in activities you love can boost your self-confidence because it means you are choosing what you love and embracing who you are. Spend some time practising a hobby or skill you enjoy. Hobbies like painting, playing an instrument, or cooking – doing what you love can make you feel accomplished and happy.
Day 22: Get Clear On Your Values and Priorities
Understanding your values and life priorities can give you a clear sense of direction and purpose. Write them down and reflect on how they guide your decisions and actions.
Aligning your life with your values can give you a sense of fulfilment and it removes that icky feeling of not living your authentic life. It’s hard to feel confident when you aren’t being true to yourself.

Day 23: Do Something You Have Been Avoiding
Procrastination is one of the best ways to never reach your dreams! But how good does it feel when you tick off something from your to-do list that you’ve been avoiding for far too long. Sometimes these are the things that take 5 minutes, yet we build them up to be some huge dreaded task.
You’re going to tackle at least one of those things today. Book that medical appointment you’ve been delaying. Clean your desk. Back up your digital photos. Upgrade your car insurance.
You’re going to feel like a productivity master once you say goodbye to those long overdue things that have been hanging over your head for far too long.
Day 24: Spend Time on Self-Care
Self-care is essential for maintaining confidence. Spend some time today pampering yourself. Take a relaxing bath, read a book, or indulge in your favourite hobby. Take it a step further and get your hair done, have a manicure or pedicure or splash out on a day spa session.
Taking care of yourself shows that you value and appreciate yourself, which will boost your confidence.
Day 25: Do Something That Scares You
Courage is a key component of confidence. Do something today that scares you. It could be anything from having a difficult conversation with someone (like asking your boss for a payrise) to trying a new sport. Facing your fears head-on can significantly boost your self-confidence.
Day 26: Set A Big Goal With An Action Plan
Goals are the best way to keep us motivated and inspired. But a goal without a plan is simply a dream! So today you’re going to think about a big goal you have or come up with a brand new one if you don’t currently have one.
This needs to be a SMART goal – specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound.
Once your goal has all of these elements create an action plan of how you will achieve it.
For example, if your goal is to save $10,000 before the end of the year, you need to know where this money is coming from. Will you set up automatic transfers from your weekly pay? Will you start a side hustle such as selling handmade jewellery on Etsy? Will you have a garage sale to sell your unwanted stuff?
Having a clear plan in place will give you the confidence to achieve your goal and that is a heck of a confidence boost once it’s achieved!
Day 27: Write About a Quality You Love About Yourself
We all have qualities that make us unique and special. Write about a quality you love about yourself. It could be your kindness, creativity, or resilience, how you are such a great listener or have the best sense of humour.
Day 28: Break The Comparison Cycle
You’ve heard it before – comparison is the thief of joy! Social media can sometimes erode our confidence by fostering comparison. Being around certain people can also give our confidence a hit.
Today your task is to take steps to remove yourself from the comparison cycle. Unfollow social media accounts that make you feel bad about yourself (remember they are only sharing their highlights reel, it’s not the full picture). Avoid consuming other forms of media that impact your confidence negatively. This could be glossy magazines, certain emails you are subscribed to or ‘friends’ who aren’t really friends.
Tip: Consider instead following only accounts and people who make you feel empowered and positive and set up social media boundaries and screen-free time each day.
Day 29: Practice Gratitude
Gratitude can shift your focus from what you lack to what you have. Practice gratitude for your abilities, your opportunities and for the people in your life.
Write down things you’re grateful for about yourself—your talents, skills, and qualities. This exercise can help you appreciate and value yourself more.
Go beyond that and express gratitude to someone (or many people) in your life who you are thankful for. It feels great to lift others up without expecting anything in return.
Day 30: Reflect on Your Self-Confidence Journey Over the Past 30 Days
Congratulations, you’ve made it to the end of the challenge! Take a moment to reflect on your journey and how far you’ve come. Think about the challenges you’ve overcome, the goals you’ve achieved, and the growth you’ve experienced. Recognizing your progress can boost your confidence and motivate you to keep moving forward.
Free Printable 30-Day Self-Confidence Challenge
You can get the free 30-day self-confidence challenge printable to help you stay on track with the challenge! You will also get access to my free printable library where you will find more challenges like this!

Confidence Growth Beyond the Challenge
This ’30-Day Self-Confidence Challenge’ is not a magic solution to being your confident self forevermore, but it is a great starting point. It’s important to keep the momentum going beyond these 30 days.
Here are some tips for growing your confidence beyond the challenge:
- Get uncomfortable – Regular opportunities to get out of your comfort zone will help you realise your potential and build self-assurance.
- Set achievable goals – Start with small, manageable goals that lead to bigger achievements. Each success, no matter how minor, boosts your confidence and prepares you for greater challenges.
- Embrace Failure – Understand that failure is a natural part of the growth process. Instead of fearing it, view failures as learning experiences. Each setback is an opportunity to improve and come back stronger.
- Practice Self-Compassion– Be kind to yourself, especially when things don’t go as planned. Self-compassion involves recognising your imperfections and treating yourself with the same kindness you would offer a friend.
This 30-day confidence challenge is an incredible way to kickstart your journey toward greater self-assurance and personal growth.