What To Do When You Feel Stuck In Life
Ever had that feeling where life just feels… stuck? Like you’re running on autopilot, going through the motions but not really moving forward? Your days blur together, and no matter how much you try to mix things up, it still feels like you’re standing still.
I get it. We all go through seasons where motivation dips, routines feel stale, and we start questioning if we’re on the right path.
But here’s the thing—feeling stuck isn’t the end of the road. It’s just a sign that something needs to shift. And sometimes, even the smallest changes can help you break free and get back into momentum.
So, let’s talk about why we get stuck and, more importantly, how to start moving forward.
Why Do We Feel Stuck?
Feeling stuck isn’t just about lacking motivation—it’s often a mix of mindset, habits, and external factors that keep us from moving forward. And I know this feeling all too well.
Back in 2014, I hit one of my biggest “stuck” moments in life.
I was working the career I had always wanted, but suddenly, it didn’t feel fulfilling anymore. I had a baby at home, and my husband and I were juggling work hours, barely seeing each other as we switched places between shifts. On paper, everything seemed fine, but inside, I felt like I was just going through the motions, waiting for something to change.
It took a drastic career change (and a dabble in a few other things along the way) for me to shift out of that rut I was in and find my passion again. But at the time, I didn’t even realize how stuck I was—I just knew something felt off.
That’s the thing about feeling stuck—it’s not always about things going wrong. Sometimes, life just settles into a routine that no longer feels aligned.
Here are some of the most common reasons this happens:
- Lack of clarity – When you’re unsure of what you really want, it’s easy to stay in the same place, waiting for direction.
- Fear of failure or change – Sometimes, the idea of making a big shift feels overwhelming, so we stay where it’s comfortable (even if it’s not fulfilling).
- Burnout and exhaustion – Feeling drained—physically, mentally, or emotionally—can make even small decisions feel impossible.
- The comfort zone trap – Routines can be helpful, but when they become too predictable, they can also make life feel stagnant.
- External circumstances – Job stress, relationships, financial pressures, or life transitions can all contribute to feeling stuck, especially when they seem out of our control.
Signs You’re Stuck in a Rut
Sometimes, feeling stuck isn’t obvious at first. You might brush off the frustration or convince yourself it’s just a phase.
But if these feelings persist, it could be a sign that something needs to change.
Here are some common indicators:
- You feel unmotivated or uninspired – Even things you once enjoyed now feel like a chore, and it’s hard to muster enthusiasm for anything new.
- Every day feels the same – Your routine is on repeat, and there’s little excitement or variation in your days.
- You constantly feel drained – Whether it’s mental, emotional, or physical exhaustion, you feel like you’re running on empty. There’s not excitement or passion to fire you up.
- You’re avoiding decisions or changes – You know something needs to shift, but you keep putting it off because it feels overwhelming.
- You crave something different but don’t know what – There’s an underlying sense of restlessness, but you can’t quite figure out what’s missing.
- You’re stuck in ‘waiting mode’ – You catch yourself thinking, Once I have more time/money/confidence, then I’ll make a change. But that moment never seems to arrive.
If any of these resonate with you, don’t worry—you’re not alone. Let’s look at some simple but effective ways to start moving forward again.

What To Do When You Feel Stuck In Life
Okay, now that we know why we feel stuck and some signs to look out for, let’s talk about how to break free.
The shift won’t happen overnight. Small intentional steps are the way forward. This is where a reset can work wonders, but sometimes you need to go beyond a simple reset.
Here’s how you can start shifting out of that rut:
1. Start With One Small Change
When life feels overwhelming, the idea of making a big shift can feel impossible and often this leaves us staying in that stuck zone even longer than we should. Change can be hard. It can be scary. But it’s neccessary for that forward momentum.
To begin, you aren’t trying to change the world today. Just focus on one tiny thing you can change right now.
Maybe it’s decluttering a space in your home to give you breathing space and peace or reaching out to a friend who has always been ready to cheer you on and push you to follow your passions.
I am all about the quick wins! Whenever a situation feels like too much, a quick win is that little confidence boost we all need to take that next step and if you need a few quick wins before you move to the next step, that’s okay too. Go get them!
2. Get Clear On What You Want
Sometimes, you just need a little clarity. If you’re feeling stuck because you don’t know what to do next, spend some time getting clear on your goals and passions.
To get started, set aside some dedicated time for yourself—about 30 minutes to an hour—where you can focus solely on brainstorming what you want your life to look like. Think about your core values and how your current life aligns with these.
During that time, ask yourself the big questions: What do I really want right now? What excites me?
Don’t worry about finding the “right” answer immediately—just let your thoughts flow freely. Jot down anything that comes to mind, even if it seems small or unrelated at first.
Don’t pressure yourself to make decisions right away; just explore different possibilities. Write down things you’ve always wanted to try, or goals you’ve been curious about but never pursued.
This is about allowing yourself to dream a little and see what sparks your interest.
Once you’ve got a list of ideas, it’s time to take action.
Consider what do you need to do to make this possible. If it’s a career change, research what it involves, sign up for a free class, have a conversation with someone who’s already in that field, or simply read a book or article on the topic.
Even small actions can help you gain more clarity and insight into what feels right for you.
If you want a little extra help finding clarity, I LOVE the My Dream Life Blueprint from The Daily Grind. This has helped me get clear on my own path after a slump.
3. Take A Break From Routine
Routines are great—they keep us organised and simplify our life. But sometimes, they can also keep us stuck in a loop where everything starts to feel repetitive and uninspiring. Blah!
If you’re feeling like you’re in a rut, one of the best things you can do is take a step back from your usual routine.
It doesn’t have to be a huge change—sometimes, it’s just about switching things up. Take a day off, try something new, or simply break away from your usual surroundings. Even a small change can give your mind the space to refresh and spark some creativity.
Have you ever gone on a solo vacation? Even one night in a nice hotel on your own can be a surprisingly empowering experience. The ultimate solo date night!
If that’s not in your budget, what about a walk during your lunch break instead of sitting at your desk? Clean your house to the music you used to go out dancing to.
4. Talk It Out
Sometimes, all it takes is a conversation with someone who gets it. A friend, your partner, or a work mentor – talking about how you’re feeling can give you perspective and help you see new possibilities.
They can often be the cheerleaders we didn’t know we needed too, encouraging us to step out of our comfort zones and try something new.
There’s a good chance the person you decide to talk to knows what you’re really passionate about and they might even have some great suggestions to help you with that clarity exercise above!
5. Take Small, Intentional Actions
When you’re feeling stuck in life, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the idea of making big changes. But here’s the truth: progress doesn’t require giant leaps.
In fact, the smallest, most intentional actions can lead to the biggest shifts.
Start by trying something new— try picking up a hobby you’ve been curious about, making a small change to your routine, or seeking out new opportunities to connect with people.
If you’re facing a big decision, break it down into tiny, manageable steps. Instead of feeling like you have to do everything at once, focus on one small thing you can tackle today. Each step you take builds confidence and creates momentum.
6. Change Your Environment
Sometimes, a change of scenery is all it takes to spark a new perspective. Start by decluttering your space. A tidy, organised environment can have a big impact on your mental clarity and sense of calm, helping you feel more focused and ready to take action.
But it’s not just about your physical space—who you spend time with can have a huge impact on how you feel.
Surround yourself with people who inspire you, like the friend who lifts you up, a mentor who encourages you, or simply someone who shares similar goals and passions.
If possible, take a break or travel somewhere new. Even a short trip or a change of surroundings can give you fresh ideas and help you see things in a new light. Stepping outside your usual environment opens the door to new possibilities and perspectives.
7. Invest in Yourself
When stuck, it’s easy to focus on everything around you, but don’t forget the most important investment: yourself.
Take the time to read books, take courses, or work with someone who can help you grow and gain new insights. Investing in your own learning and development pays off in ways you may not even realise at first.
Equally important is prioritising self-care. Mental and physical wellness are the foundation for all the progress you want to make. Find practices that support your well-being and help you feel recharged.
Finally, build habits that align with your values and goals. Small, consistent actions over time are what help you move forward.
8. Let Go of Perfection
Striving for perfection can be exhausting and, honestly, it can stop you from moving forward entirely. We often get stuck in the mindset that everything has to be flawless before we make a move.
But here’s the thing: it’s okay if things aren’t perfect right away.
What matters is progress. Celebrate every little step forward, no matter how small it may seem.
That need for perfection is often the very thing keeping us stuck. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking, It’s not the right time—and that can paralyze you.
You might feel like you can’t make the change you want to make because you don’t have the savings, the time, or the perfect circumstances yet. But waiting for everything to align perfectly can keep you in that “stuck” space forever.
The key is to focus on progress over perfection. Even small actions can move you closer to where you want to be. Start with what you have and where you are—imperfect as it may be—and know that it’s all part of the journey.
Moving Forward
Getting unstuck isn’t always easy, but it’s completely within your reach. It starts with recognising that you’re not alone in feeling this way and that it’s okay to take things one small step at a time. This is how you create the momentum to break free from that feeling of being stuck.
So, if you’re in a rut right now, take a deep breath. You’ve got this. Start small, stay consistent, and trust that each step will bring you closer to living the life you love!